PBMT for the Prevention and Management of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
Free On-line Webinar
Wednesday 12 June 7:30 pm AEST
Intended Audience
Practitioners who are looking for more effective, innovative treatments to treat peripheral neuropathy. Specialists that would be particularly interested in this webinar include oncologists, neurologists, pain specialists, GPs, physiotherapists, exercise physiologists, occupational therapists, and podiatrists.
Learning Objectives
1. Learn how PBM can be used in the management of neuropathies.
2. Discover promising clinical trials about PBM for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN).
3. Explore optimal PBM and treatment parameters for CIPN.
4. Understand the future of research of PBM for CIPN including larger, placebo-controlled trials.Speaker
Marithe Claes, PhD student in the Limburg Clinical Research Centre at the Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy, Hasselt University, Belgium.
Marithe Claes holds a MSc in Biomedical Sciences at Hasselt University, Belgium. Since 2021, she has been undertaking a PhD focusing on the use of PBM for the prevention and management of chemotherapy-induced alopecia, neuropathy, and radiotherapy-induced gynaecological complications.