Tinnitus Treatment Breakthrough: How Laser Therapy Can Relieve the Ringing in Your Ears

    • Millions of people worldwide suffer from tinnitus, a condition that can significantly impact quality of life.

      But there’s good news:  a breakthrough treatment using laser therapy could help by reducing or possibly silencing that persistent buzzing or ringing in the ears.

      Laser therapy has long been used in other medical treatments, but recent studies have shown its effectiveness in tinnitus management.  By targeting the underlying causes of tinnitus, such as damaged cells and disrupted neural signals, laser therapy offers hope for those seeking relief from constant noise in their ears.

      Laser therapy may be the treatment you are looking for.  It is painless, non-invasive and involves no drugs.

    • How Laser Therapy Works: Mechanism and Benefits

      A patient being treated for tinnitus with MLS laser.

      Laser therapy has emerged as an innovative treatment for tinnitus.  This approach utilises near-infrared light, also known as photobiomodulation (PBMT), to target the underlying causes of tinnitus and promote healing within the auditory system.

      The mechanism behind treating tinnitus with laser therapy is its ability to stimulate cellular processes and enhance the body’s natural healing capabilities.  When applied to affected areas, laser wavelengths penetrate skin and deeper tissues, including the structures of the ear and the auditory nerve.  Light energy triggers a series of biochemical reactions within targeted cells, leading to increased blood flow, reduced inflammation, and improved cellular function.

    • Integrating Laser Therapy with Other Tinnitus Treatments

      A person being treated for tinnitus with MLS laser.

      While laser therapy has shown promising results in the management of tinnitus, it is even more effective when integrated with complementary treatments and therapies.  By combining laser therapy with traditional approaches, such as sound therapy, cognitive-behavioural therapy, and medication, patients can experience a more comprehensive and holistic approach to tinnitus relief.

      By working closely with healthcare professionals who are knowledgeable about the integration of various tinnitus treatments, patients can develop a personalised plan that leverages the unique benefits of PBMT while also addressing the multifaceted nature of this condition.  This holistic approach can lead to more sustainable and long-lasting relief from the debilitating effects of tinnitus.

    • Research Studies on Laser Therapy for Tinnitus

      Energy for Health journals.

      The effectiveness of laser therapy in treating tinnitus has been the subject of numerous research studies and clinical trials.  Studies about MLS laser therapy, a safe, high-power laser therapy system, have been especially notable for its ability to enhance clinical results when combined with other treatment modalities.

      One study evaluated the efficacy of MLS laser therapy in treating temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) (J. Rosswag, 2020).  TMD can be one of the causes of tinnitus.  The study involved 40 patients which were divided into 2 groups:  1 – OraGuard™ splint alone; 2 – Ora-Guard™ + MLS laser therapy.  Results demonstrated that all patients improved in terms of pain.  Stronger improvement was reported for group 2, when both Ora-Guard™ splint and MLS laser therapy were applied.  The combination of Ora-Guard™ splint and MLS laser therapy represents a well-tolerated conservative approach able to alleviate TMD pain.  This provides hope for patients suffering from tinnitus due to TMD.

      Another study compared the treatment of proprioceptive vertigo disorders with kinesitherapy and Hilterapia, an advanced form of MLS laser therapy (Bodini G., 2009).  Thirty subjects, subdivided in two groups, have been included in the study.  One group was treated with kinesitherapy alone and the other group with kinesitherapy combined with Hilterapia.  All subjects underwent a clinical-anamnestic evaluation before treatment, at the end of the first week, at the end of the therapy, and one month later.  Results showed that there was a more rapid improvement in pain and functional limitation in patients who underwent both kinesitherapy and Hilterapia treatment.  With respect to the cervical interference index, a significant variation before treatment and one month after had been observed only in the combined treatment group.  Hilterapia has been found to be an effective modality to produce faster subjective improvement, and more importantly, it has been demonstrated to improve proprioceptive balance disorders.


      Lumomed: Leaders in Tinnitus Treatment with MLS Laser Therapy

      Lumomed logo

      One company that is leading the way in using MLS laser for tinnitus is Lumomed.

      Amon Kaiser is the founder of Lumomed. He opened his first laser therapy office in Germany in 2004. He has been using MLS laser therapy devices to treat inner ear problems with great success such as tinnitus, vertigo, and hearing loss. His offices have now expanded to the US.

      Dr Lee Nagel is the owner of the Lumomed practice in Indiana, USA. He has had positive experiences with using MLS laser to treat tinnitus. Click below to watch one of his patient testimonials and see how MLS laser has changed this patient’s life.

      Dr Lee Nagel, Owner of Lumomed Indiana, and his patient testimonial about tinnitus relief.

    • The Potential of Laser Therapy in Treating Tinnitus


    • A patient with tinnitus being treated with MLS laser.

    • The emergence of laser therapy as a treatment for tinnitus has brought hope to millions of patients who have struggled to find relief from this persistent and often debilitating condition.  By targeting the underlying causes of tinnitus, such as damaged cells and disrupted neural signals, this innovative approach has the potential to provide a more comprehensive and long-lasting solution than traditional treatments.

    • The growing body of research on MLS laser therapy for tinnitus further underscores the promise of this treatment.  As more healthcare providers become trained and experienced in the use of high power laser therapy for tinnitus management, the accessibility and availability of this treatment option are likely to continue increasing.

      For those suffering from ongoing ringing or other sounds associated with tinnitus, MLS laser therapy offers a new treatment they may not have tried yet.  By working closely with qualified healthcare professionals and exploring the integration of this innovative approach with other tinnitus treatments, patients can take a significant step towards regaining their peace of mind and quality of life.  The potential of MLS laser therapy to reduce the ringing in patients’ ears is a breakthrough that can offer relief to millions.

      To find out more about how MLS laser can improve your patient outcomes, book a demo of our lasers:


    • References

      Tinnitus Australia. (2024). Tinnitus Awareness. Retrieved from Tinnitus Australia: https://tinnitusaustralia.org.au/tinnitusawareness/

      J. Rosswag, S. R. (2020). Evaluation of the effect of MLS® Laser Therapy and Ora-GuardTM splint in the treatment of temporomandibular joint disease. Energy for Health Volume 20, 4-8.

      Bodini G., C. A. (2009). Treatment of proprioceptive balance disorders: comparison between kinesistherapy and Hilterapia®. Energy for Health Volume 3, 6-9.